Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Birthday Photos!

Well, I have recovered from the mayhem that took place on the 23rd. The photos are up, again I've been confounded by the sequence the pictures are posted, so some of the captions won't make sense. But hey, we're all more interested in the photos.

And OMG, taking red eyes of everyone was such a mission

These gangstas look like they're up to no good. You're going to get SERVED!! Posted by Hello

22, male, straight, tall and handsome, enjoys long romantic walks on the beach. Posted by Hello

Here we have it... the fiercest competition of the night: the official "My spring roll is better than your spring roll competition". Winner: UNDECIDED Posted by Hello

Andre is doing the fingers because we think he looks SMALL and CUTE! Posted by Hello

Jared and bearded friend Posted by Hello

I'm either falling over, or attempting a tricky salsa move. Either way... I'm drunk Posted by Hello

Chad reckons he can spin better than the DJ Posted by Hello

Not any more! Ian brings out the lunge Posted by Hello

Eveyone looks subdued... maybe the tab ran out? Posted by Hello

and Lily attacks me while I'm trying to meditate standing up. Posted by Hello

Lily is pleading, but Jayme looks staunch! Posted by Hello

I re-iterate at this point: I am drunk! And for the first time ever I have red eyes Posted by Hello

Tim and Ksenia, best dressed couple Posted by Hello

There are a couuple of worrying things about this picture. Ksenia looks more tanned than me, and I look like I have boobies!! (OK... I do have boobies) Posted by Hello

Karla and Co Posted by Hello

Recurrence of a main theme of the night! Man Love! Also, Bye-bye Bruce, have fun over in London. Posted by Hello

Emma is about to be attacked by a giant orange ball of light. Better finish that cocktail fast! Posted by Hello

The person who took this phot is very very bad, managing to capture one lady's behind and another's crotch region Posted by Hello

Again! what a stud!, why isn't there a photo of me with two lovely ladies? Posted by Hello

Woooah, Saurabh... Duuuude... Posted by Hello

They both seem happy... I wonder what they got up to... Posted by Hello

That man is in a state of total bliss Posted by Hello

Anth you stud! Amy's ready to pounce Posted by Hello

This is the point where Ian starts getting drunk. Pulling faces in front of his uncle. What an act of daring Posted by Hello

DJs Ahmed and Cory (connosieurs of fine beats and fine alcoholic beverages) Posted by Hello