Saturday, July 02, 2005

Day ???? - Hong Kong

Left for HK from Guangzhou this morning on an express train (goes at 200kph) for the China/HK border city of Shenzhen, then we took the light rail right into the heart of Hong Kong.

Day 1 in Hong Kong involved wandering around the island, taking numerous photos of tall buildings, loving the fact that the toilets weren't squat ones anymore. Still hot as hell (35 degrees), but one of the good things about Hong Kong (island) is that you can almost walk from one end to the other (not that I did), without ever leaving an air-conditioned building for more than 10 seconds. They've got all these neat little bridge things between each skyscraper. Obligatory tram trips were taken as well as other "touristy" things. I made it up to one of the highest points on Hong Kong island by evening by way of cable car, this one in Hong Kong is far longer and steeper than our piddly little one in Wellington. There's a few nice scenery shots I took from here, I'll eventually shove them up somewhere :)

Day 2 - HK isn't really that big, unless you take in to account the New Territories which didn't really have that many attractions for me (just little fishing villages, rice paddies, i.e. stuff I could see in China anyway). So, I decided to be a real Chinese tourist and visit Ocean Park, your run of the mill theme park with an obvious Ocean theme :P. Watched the obligatory dolphin and sea lion show, there were very few non-lame rides apart from the rollercoaster (any Gold Coast theme park beats it hands down), although one of the rides gave a good aerial view of the south side of Hong Kong island. After a gruelling 6 odd hours at Ocean park I decided that it maybe a good idea to go and buy a certain camera for a certain person, as I was going to leave HK the next day. Took the ferry back to Kowloon Peninsula and proceeded up towards Mong Kok the electronics district in HK, dear god there are so many shops up there, you even see two shops of the same franchise on opposite sides of the streets. Anyway, after about 4 hours of walking around, haggling, lying and generally being deceitful just to get the prices down, Andrey now has a brand new Canon EOS 350D. On the way back, I lined my stomach with a few choice delicacies from the street stalls... no... I didn't eat any cats, or dogs, or rats.


Anonymous said...

Ian I think someone is censoring your blog. Your last post has been modified to talk about some boring train trip (200km/h - ooooh!) to Hong Kong. I'm sure in all likelihood you are sitting in an opium den watching pirated DVDs. Please confirm.

Anonymous said...

no dont confirm! deny deny! or they will be on to you!

chad said...

man, this is the worst blog ever. At least you could have RSS syndicated it so I could know when you've actually posted something interesting ;-)

Ian said...

@ Marcel, there was a boring bit that I posted when I just got there. Then I reposted to make it more exciting :D Pirated DVDs yes... opium den unfortunately no

@ Tim, they're already on to me... I got felt at the airport :(

@ Chad, I'm way too lazy, and I'm not willing to make my blog a literary masterpiece like Rock to make my blog seem interesting. Deal with it :P.