Sunday, June 26, 2005


Man its hot here, I stepped off the plane and started sweating :D

Flight from Welly to Auckland was largely uneventful, I got delayed by an hour because the previous plane got struck by lightning (nice of them to tell us before we got on the plane). The air-bridge operator dude ran off to watch the rugby at the pub when we landed, so I was delayed by a further half an hour.

Finally got on my flight to Singapore at 11:40PM, and promptly played Super Mario Bros until we landed :D. So I'm bloody tired, oh well... at least I clocked Super Mario Bros

Man I love Changi airport, its so huge! There's about 10 Singpore Airlines airplanes outside the window I'm posting from (could look nice in a photo).

I might go and grab a few beers (at 7:30 in the morning!!!).

Disclaimer: Any posts from now on are as is, I make no promises to the correctness of English within, English is my second language after all :P

1 comment:

chad said...

Wow. You know; I've always doubted your manliness at some level, but the dedication in the face of adversity required to clock a game as monumentally lame as Super Mario Bros deserves recognition. What a man.