Sunday, July 02, 2006

The interweb distresses me

So I got myself a google analytics account after having read about it on Kim's Blog, pretty easy to set up and I've left it to gather stats on visitors to this blog over the last week.

One of the reports it provides is based on what key words people use on search engines to get to your site. These were the search queries:

"lake karakul religion" (Google)
"stuff racoon" (Google)
" ian ren" (Google)
"free photos of asian women wet & messy looks" (Yahoo)

Googling the first three queries all resulted in my blog being the first or second results. As expected when I Yahoo'd the last query I got a whole bunch of porn sites

It probably says more about Yahoo's crazy search algorithms than anything else...

In other news, Google Web Albums is great! Much more intuitive than hello, and you can actually do batch uploads properly, unlike bebo and flickr. The free account only gives you 250MB though :(


Anonymous said...

Soon you'll be a google analytic addict just like me :)

Ian said...

i'm already addicted... although your blog is far superior to mine. Effort actually goes into your posts, mine's mostly drivel :D

Andrey said...

lucky you, i cant ever get my site to be indexed. I think i got banned or something :(