Monday, July 24, 2006

Malaysia... yet again!

I think I'm getting OCD!, but hey the country is close, not a complete dump, and some places are genuinely lovely.

Due to the advent of Miss Hart's visit to Singapore, the Chad, Miss Hart and I enjoyed a lovely weekend in Sarawak, with a brief interlude of a few hours in uninspiring Johor Bahru spent transiting and waiting in traffic jams (please don't flame me JB residents) .

I learnt that Asian budget airlines were not designed with Asians like me in mind, there was bugger all leg room, the other two had a better time of it all, being distinctly more Asian in stature than I :D.

I like Kuching, its fairly compact (at least the interesting bits are), we spent Saturday wandering around Kuching visiting museums, doing all the touristy things and terrorising the locals with enthusiastic Asian-ness (the hand thing in photos) and having Chad either thrust at me, or at attractions in the manner of Hard Gay (HAADO GEIIII.. FUUUU!!!). Note however that "Hard Gay in Kuching" was not any of us. We're not that crazy.

With all the crazy silly touristness out of us by Sunday we proceeded to check out Kubah National Park, lotsa nice jungly nature things, and you get rewarded with a dip in a small pool created by the waterfall at the end of the trek. What I found interesting was that you can actually drink from the waterfall in Sarawak, its New Zealand and its crazy farming that causes all its rivers and streams to be rife with Giardia and Chryptosporidium (according to Chad... he seemed to know what he was talking about... and I haven't got the runs... yet).

Photos this time are courtesy of the Chad and Miss Hart. They went on to Tioman, so expect them in a few days time. (YAYZ they are up and

I think I might try and tackle Mount Kinabalu next, probably have to start exercising and shed a few kilos first ;)


Anonymous said...

Mount Kinabalu is amazing, you will love the entire experience. Expat schoolchildren often get taken on fieldtrips there, but it is hard work so definitely make sure you are in shape before you set off!

Anonymous said...

There's so much Asian-ness in those photos - even in the ones featruing Chad and Nic. :P
I love that one of the guy at the airport asleep. Crassic! ^_^

Ian said...

@zhonghuarising: I'm starting my weight loss regime next week! Hopefully I'll have the will power to continue it

@marcel: Well... you did request Asian-ness in all photos. I hope you aren't disappointed